
Welcome to Uganda’s SDG Voluntary National Review (VNR) e-Platform.

Introducing the e-Platform on VNR 2020

While the Government of Uganda had established a roadmap for comprehensive consultations for the entire VNR process, capturing all actors – including at the sub-national level, the current global COVID-19 pandemic now means that we need to adapt and conduct business differently while maintaining the same course.

With most Ugandans working at home into May 2020, this e-Platform has been established to engage with you, wherever you are, so that your voice is heard in shaping the direction of this country towards achievement of the 2030 Agenda. The Office of the Prime Minister calls upon you to participate actively by sharing your views to enable clear understanding of: (i) the progress Uganda has made on the implementation of SDGs; (ii) the challenges and opportunities in achieving the SDGs; (iii) as well as practical recommendations on how government can best fast-track its transformational journey to realize the 2030 Agenda.

Additional Resources

You can also find the SDGs translated into 10 local Languages here

Reach out to us on Twitter by clicking below.

The e-Platform is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Government of Uganda 2020, Office of the Prime Minister

Photo: UNDP Uganda, 2020

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